Sunday, August 15, 2010


hreedish kakoty

The shade of the dark smothers us,

The rushing air stops thus,

I see the streetlight gleaming bright,

And feel jealous "why I don't have light!"

The mosquito snores resume again,

The bites they make cause pain,

And I itch hard and abuse the man,

The in-charge of power in this lane.

The story of my book goes half read,

What happens to the boy "Is he dead?"

Thus I wonder what happens next,

I switch on my phone but battery's dead.

I count my attendance and come to know,

I'll lose marks if tomorrow I don't go,

The timetable says the horrible fact,

Classes start at 8-40, pity lad.

And I wait in my balcony and stare at the streetlight,

Wonder which wires to connect so that I might,

Bring power to my dead fan and light,

And have a peaceful sleep in this horrible night.

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